Side Events

PE INTERNATIONAL - Workshop “Improving Product and Process Sustainability by using the GaBi software & database suite”
Sunday, August 28, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm

GaBi LCA Software incites unprecedented innovation to improve environmental performance not merely shifting the burden resulting in unintended consequences.
This seminar will introduce how the GaBi software is supporting water management and how to get on the fast lane from LCA to Ecodesign. You will learn about the up-coming GaBi 5 and enjoy a platform for exchange and discussion with international LCA experts…
More Information / Registration

Ecoinvent - Workshop "ecoEditor for version 3"
Sunday, August 28, 9:15 am – 5:15 pm

One day workshops on the ecoEditor for ecoinvent version 3, the new tool for data providers to create, edit, review and upload datasets for the ecoinvent database version 3 are organized at important conferences. During such a workshop, the participants will learn how to use the various new features of ecoinvent and how to make corrections to an existing dataset.
More Information / Registration:

UNEP – Meeting of the International Life Cycle Board
Sunday, August 28, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

"invitation only"

FC-Hyguide – Training Course: “Performing Life Cycle Assessments for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies”
Thursday, September 1, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

The FC-HyGuide project, funded by the European Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) aims to develop a guidance document and related training materials for LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) studies on fuel cells and hydrogen production. The training course is directed at Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) practitioners, all interested participants from hydrogen and fuel cell industry, SME, research and academia.
More Information / Registration: FC-HyGuide/Berlin

UNEP/SETAC Workshop “Knowledge Mining on Product Sustainability from LCA Studies for Effective LCM Practices”
Thursday, September 1, 8:00 am – 12:30 pm

This workshop will help to (1) exchange experiences and strengthen the capabilities of business and organizations in mining LCM knowledge from LCA studies, (2) develop ideas on what the Life Cycle Initiative could do to support more use of LCA studies and LCA databases for informing decisions on product sustainability and establish LCM practices in the public and private sector.

More information
